a2:[1][Please press the +1/YES button at the ^0.|Choose "Auto Bank Dump" to send complete Banks next time a single dump occurs (you can switch this off again in the Device Paramater Box).|Information: there are ^1 single items left to be sent.][OK|Auto Bank Dump]
a7:[3][There are no more Wave Sequences available.][Cancel]
a9:[1][You cannot cut or delete the last Wave Step.][Cancel|Copy only]
aa:[1][There must be at least one Wave Step in a Wave Sequence. Therefore you cannot cut or delete when all Steps are selected.][Cancel|Copy only|Keep one Step]
ab:[2][^0 says: ^1][Cancel]
ac:[Not enough wavestep memory available!|The maximum number of wavesteps for each memory bank is 501. The number of steps currently used for this bank is ^0 and the Wave Sequence to be inserted needs ^1 free wavesequence steps!]
ad:The data requested could not be received completely!
ae:Checksum error.
af:[3][The structure of this Wave Sequence Block is corrupted (^1). It cannot be splitted into 32 individual Items and will therefore be ignored. Please use the GENERIC Adaptation of the Universal Module instead.][Cancel]
ag:[1][Not enough wavestep memory available!|Number of steps to be inserted: ^0.|Number of steps available: ^1.|How shall we continue?][Cancel|Best fit]
ah:[1][There are ^1 single items left to be sent, which will take a lot of time.|Do you want to send complete memory banks instead (faster)?][No|Yes]